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Sat. 11.02.2023 Season 2022-2023

Coupe de la Gruyère

Unlicenced Boys U12

On Saturday 11.02.2023 At 13:30


5.00 CHF (juniors)


Competition mode Individual
Matches type Singles
Unlicenced allowed ? Yes
Category/ies U12
Ratings UL
Play systemMultistage
Groups of 5
With 2 qualified

Participants (25)

Name Cat. Elo Club Canton RA Details

Andrey Alexis

U11, Rossens, FR, AVVF

Andrey Alexis U11 Rossens FR AVVF

At Emilien

U11, Rossens, FR, AVVF

At Emilien U11 Rossens FR AVVF

Baechler Thibo

U9, Rossens, FR, AVVF

Baechler Thibo U9 Rossens FR AVVF

Baechler Yannis


Baechler Yannis U13

Barreau Léandre

U11, Genève

Barreau Léandre U11 (Genève)

Bossy Adam

U13, Bulle, FR, AVVF

Bossy Adam U13 Bulle FR AVVF

Brodard Dorian

U9, Bulle, FR, AVVF

Brodard Dorian U9 Bulle FR AVVF

Delacrétaz Leny

U13, Vevey, VD, AVVF

Delacrétaz Leny U13 Vevey VD AVVF

Ecoffey Kilian

U11, Bulle, FR, AVVF

Ecoffey Kilian U11 Bulle FR AVVF

Firmann Belissent Simon


Firmann Belissent Simon U11

Girard Flavien

U13, Rossens, FR, AVVF

Girard Flavien U13 Rossens FR AVVF

Gould Benjamin

U11, Gland, VD, AVVF

Gould Benjamin U11 Gland VD AVVF

Inguscio Noah

U13, Estavayer, FR, AVVF

Inguscio Noah U13 Estavayer FR AVVF

Jaquet Alexandre

U13, Bulle, FR, AVVF

Jaquet Alexandre U13 Bulle FR AVVF

Milovanovic Dario

U13, Blonay, VD, AVVF

Milovanovic Dario U13 Blonay VD AVVF

Minchev Evan

U11, Fribourg, FR, AVVF

Minchev Evan U11 Fribourg FR AVVF

Mory Nolan

U13, Bulle, FR, AVVF

Mory Nolan U13 Bulle FR AVVF

Nambiar Rishi

U11, Blonay, VD, AVVF

Nambiar Rishi U11 Blonay VD AVVF

Nobre Gabriel

U13, Bulle, FR, AVVF

Nobre Gabriel U13 Bulle FR AVVF

Nobre Kevin


Nobre Kevin U9

Rando Giacomo

U11, Blonay, VD, AVVF

Rando Giacomo U11 Blonay VD AVVF

Ruffieux Aloïs


Ruffieux Aloïs U11

Sananès Yohann

U11, Cortaillod, NE, ANJTT

Sananès Yohann U11 Cortaillod NE ANJTT

Sansonnens Arlan

U11, Cortaillod, NE, ANJTT

Sansonnens Arlan U11 Cortaillod NE ANJTT

Varnerot Augustin

U9, Rossens, FR, AVVF

Varnerot Augustin U9 Rossens FR AVVF